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Fires of Compassion rose blossoms and logo
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Fires of Compassion was created in support and dedication to Earthstewardship. It acknowledges the presence of a collective for land care,  active with the wellbeing of compassionate service. 

Earthstewardship was born  to community, care for its land, care of the health of  people.  In service it promotes a climate of care for all. Fires of Compassion reflects the power of ancestry as it continues to demonstrate  the goodwill of generations building together in protection and in awareness of a field of good dependent on one earth.


Promoting wellness brings earthstewardship to expand its care and include fields of awareness. This engages current changes identified as important influences on the greater field of earth. Notably we honour science, technological growth and the importance of the subtle fields that care for health. Here we note that spiritual care as compassionate service is the foundation for  faith in a healthy earth.

Today we owe our wellbeing to the influece of care from all traditions, those who have walked this earth before us. We  hope to engage new programs that suite your healthy lifestyle. 

Copyright Fires of Compassion

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