The swell of  heart

Moved breath in grounding

What took a golden

Moment in time

Reaching light drops

Carelessly stung 

Performing a tragic

Dance of love

What goodness claimed

You was of a beauty 

Transcendent of power

Playing upon all worlds

What is spiritual care?

A movement in heart towards a greater good will create a manageable holding in life.  When the voice of counsel is creative and the potential for change seen -  consciousness and creativity is compelling. With respect  actions protect and inspire collective care.

Ancient healing methods document how restorative health practices are born of respect for earth.  Healing is supported mindfully  in balance with the earths' elements. If the voice of counsel is good - in healing there will be compassion. A foundation in spiritual care is the voice of compassion in all. 

An act of goodness will temporarily soothe the mind and create a manageable reality.  Much of the time, like pearl drops we string these  good moments together in  security. When this garland of experience is taken and held respectfully we know the love of spiritual care. Heartfelt kindness or mindfulness in creation supports a climate of care and resourcefulness.   In accepting spiritual care we hold life and the whole, for what is given in true heart is naturally without intent to harm.Relationships in care free desire for collective health. To enfold in faith with likeminded spirit holds lasting foundation.