
Community is like the spider’s web as it offers multifaceted pathways in creating purposeful connectivity and exchange of consciousness. The relationships we foster in community are potential pathways for sustenance and growth, all depending on the degree of awareness and consciousness in relating.

We hear it said that compassion has a very strong influence on our psyche, and that compassionate action can unify the lobes of the brain harmonizing the bodies systems. The light of this heartfelt consciousness is capable of supporting the release of deep issues and provide a lightness of being so all can share. Compassion is that umbrella under which all aspects of heart unify as it provides a consciousness capable of tenderly transforming a difficult experience into a passage way for growth.

When a person undergoes deep transition, be it through death of a loved one, falling in love, retirement, birth of child or serious illness; all relationships are affected. For example, the opening of one person’s heart can trigger a similar effect for all and open the collective community to a direct experience of love. Sharing a powerful experience such as this is deeply bonding and awakens a heartfelt connection that is very strong and very special. At these times compassion seems effortless. The opposite is equally true. When transitions are difficult or painful they can challenge the ability to relate compassionately. These times expose us to our personal limitations in understanding and acting with compassion. However times of transition are interpreted, it is a guarantee they will affect all in the community.

As an individual’s transition affects the community consciousness, so does the community’s consciousness affect the individual’s quality of transition. Community affects each one of us as it is what sustains us. The consciousness we hold together has the potential to act as a field of light, an umbrella that protects the group and helps individuals relate with respect.

How do we foster better group compassion? How does the one who is transitioning find the light of consciousness needed without being judged? The sorrow of living in a community of intelligent and insightful members looks odd when something as simple as compassion is unavailable.

The cultural understanding of heart isn’t practiced very well if we see so much isolation and hardship. In emergency situations the field of consciousness opens with greater ease when we are challenged, but what of everyday life? Opportunities to grow and practice compassionate service are available through community organizations. In support of the development of a consciousness that helps us to open and grow in like, we have impact when choosing to act with compassion.

Visit about services.

Copyright Denise Richard





​​Dedicated to the heart                                                                               Wild Yellow Roses 2017  

We learn the personal value of heart, power and the importance of status as we enable ourselves to have comfort and privilege.  As we learn and decide how we will act and to what degree we will maintain our value we set ourselves for a long haul. In rare circumstances we play the game of bidding for power to grow in unusual ways and know the potency of having power. We can see in popular culture how the continual play of desire and power takes us through a dance of opposites that can reveal an ugly potential.

Having been in many situations where power plays destroy culture and collective care, I have viewed the world as unkind and felt perplexed as to how to manage destructive situations. The play of work we learn on a spiritual path is togetherness and right relationship. The whole is the field and as we learn to relate respectfully we learn to hold truth in power. The way of old was told as the only play that could last as this way is to use fury in holding. This is the sensitive work of knowing how to say No, and when to hold and be heard. The consciousness of fiery action and the passionate play of will unite in creative flow when a sensitive field of heart is allowed.

What inspires us to grow is of importance only when there is awareness for the whole. As we act with awareness we recognise the ugliness of self-importance. Self-importance denies. When there is no ability to make contact with self, there is a deep denial of self-respect and need to be above others. The ability to keep it simple and concise to the actual heart of the matter requires diligence as self-importance is the shadow of a hurt heart.  To know the feel of hurt and act with kindness because it does no harm has great reach. To know this way with clear awareness and stable commitment to upholding respectful relationship we meet the spiritual warrior.

The learning is only good for that which is of sort, to learn to commit and encourage oneself in a personal play outside of norm is to allow this field to rearrange itself naturally through the cycles of day and night. As the pain of darkness permeates subtle awareness the way is chosen through the consciousness of the one who is true. To remain in power is to be true to oneself. The union of one heart with that which is of God creates the bridge of faith, and therefore together inspires light hearted movement in a timely process of encouragement.  One way of say this is: the heart is held in goodness as the choice to remain in silence is afforded. If the way if not afforded, the movement will show outwardly.  

The way of heart is only good if we know how to use it. The boundaries of relating effectively are known as we work with conscious commitment. This is the one true path that teaches to identify personal choice and the way to grow. In science we know that the field is a world of potential and knowing how to work with power is a very special skill. This is the learning we come to on the journey towards wholeness for the world we live in is purposeful.


Described as awe, the light brings forth the ability to relate and find comfort. Who hasn’t known this considerate life inspiring quality!

To exist and be of service is for most what identifies our way. The relationship we create with our identity involves us to know who we are and who you are. This original setting is the foundation for how we engage life in community and with self. The place of power is service to others before we have the knowledge of who we are. Therefore through the act of serving we develop a reflection through others that teaches us to self-reflect. This self-reflection is of importance and hopes to be the foundation that teaches and holds us throughout our life.

This process of giving  is usually understood through the community we grow with. If the community is of deep love we learn the power of healing for through acceptance and service we share. If the community is not in service we lose the ability to be heart centred. In spiritual matters this is disconnection that causes a loss of self.

Those who look to spirituality know that healing is ignited and claimed through the way we relate with that which is of a greater good. This power is centred within and has no agenda. The right use of will orients us towards care, consideration and proper sense of self. 

As we look to release old patterns that affect our judgement and the way we relate, the practice is of heart and held in respect. The harmony we learn to create is a reflection of our own heart. 

Spiritual warrior                                                               

The kindness we nurture in our spiritual growth is the foundation for what comes ahead. When we work to develop an identity we learn that the way we engage relationship will be the building block for a good life or purposeful product. The heart delights and flourishes in a field of growth supported in strength and secured by acts of courage and humility.  The sweetness of knowing good nature is of value when sensitively put to the test. 

Hold me

Hold me

Never let me go

Hold me in the

Light of Compassion

And when I cry

Let love flow

Let love flow

Like the Blossoming Buds

At the end

​Of the Branches